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WaveCom Q24

WaveCom Q24

Available in the same form factor for more than 10 years, this evolution of the popular Q24 Series brings a range of new benefits to existing and new produc designs. You can choose between Q24 Classic, Q24 Plus, Q24 Extended or Q24 Auto (see the Wavecom Product Catalogue for details). An embedded SIM holder is available as an option.

Core processor ARM7, 32 bit, 52 MHz running Open AT® RTOS as standard
Memory Internal 32Mb Flash and up to 16Mb SRAM or PSRAM
Digital Control 11 IOs, 1 INT, 1 SPI, 1 I2C, 5 x 5 keyboard
Digital Comms 2 UART
Analogue Interfaces 1 ADC
Audio Interfaces 2 analog differential audio
Cellular Radio Supporting 850-900-1800-1900MHz GSM band
Cellular Data GSM standard SMS, Fax, CSD (circuit), GPRS cl 10 (packet)
Cellular Voice Supported Codecs (FR/EFR/AMR ) (HR as option), VDA2 C
RF and IO connectivity Multiple RF connections possibility (UFL, MMS, connection which allows to support board to board solution, 60 I/O Pins connector
Dimensions L58 x W32 x H 3.9mm


Auron SMS Server is a Windows-based software package that enables you to send, receive and process SMS and e-mail messages. Supported communication protocols: GSM, HTTP, SMPP, SMTP, POP3. Incoming messages are processed by 'triggers', and can be fully customized.

It's a framework for any scenario where one/two-way SMS is required. Create a voting/polling system, send out mass SMS broadcasts, create a reservation system, etc.. Real-life case-studies are included as sample projects.